elsa stern design


Elsa stern design direction artistique

Understanding your brand identity to showcase your brand at a glance.

UI & web design

Website design. Creating interfaces that meet your users' needs while reflecting your brand's identity.


Creation of your brand's visual identity. Through a collaborative and "ping pong" process to understand your brand and create a logo, colors, and typography that will highlights your brand values.


Conception of different communication media (social media, stationary, flyers, formatting of internal documents, PowerPoint/Keynote presentation, etc.)


Elsa stern design direction artistique

Depending on the type of work, our hourly rate is between 55 and 85 euros.

Je réalise aussi des packages à la demande :

branding + UI design

Creation of brand book (logo, colors, fonts, images, etc.) and interface design de site en suivant cette charte

branding + stationery

Creation of brand book (logo, colors, fonts, images...) and stationery design

web guidelines + UI design

Web design guidelines developed from your brand identity and interface design pour la création du site internet

UI design + web development

design interface design interface for an entire website & website development de ce site (wordpress, wix ou webflow)

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